17 June, 2009

last tuesday milonga

contrary to the last week, i was on time. but we were just two (hopefully, the other was a women...) After instaling the music, we had a small chat and then we danced. Appart from the multiple barrida we tried, we practiced a step i was searching since two three weeks. It is a combinaison of two voleo (from a mirror position) then two step to go back to a mirror position. As Vishal, Emily and Sophie arrived, we really started the milonga.

There was no really tuesday step, but a lot of fun arround milonga and electro tango. classical tango had also their time, as i used some slow tango from Claude's CD.

Ina arrived a little bit later and Nova and Saket have made a short apparition so at the edge of the evening we were 4 couples, which is not bad, but at the end, we finished only at three, with Ina and Sophie, who seems to be happy to have two men just for her... As i told you, women, you are very welcomed because we have plenty of men !

10 June, 2009

last milonga report

As usual, i was at the tuesday milonga at sancho, as unusual, i was late, 8 pm instead of 7-7:30

There was few dancers (3 to 4 couples at the edge of the milonga) but we had good time together. Emily, two ladies (i should remember to ask their names...), Saket,Vishal, Ina, Sandeep and me.
Yes, it's 3 ladies for 5 men, a ratio you can only find in Delhi ! (so ladis, feel free to come, we have lenty of men !)

After few moments of dance, we started for the "tuesday step". This time i was teaching the saccada inside hiro and the salida 40.

Then we danced again. I had a very playful salida with one of the ladies from whom i don't know the name. We pushed very far the art of barrida.

I enjoyed also the milonga, especially those from ostros aires with Emily.

People seems to enjoy the music and there was even a bis repetita for "Oblivion" (from Astor Piazzola) after the three "Cumparcita"

Next tuesday, the tuesday steps will be about milonga, so dancer, be numberous if you want to catch one or two secrets of this joyful cousin of tango !

02 June, 2009


Dear tangueras and tangueros, i am pleased to announce the winner of our community vote :

Tango vida

The blog will now be known by this name.

Many thanks to all participants and viva el tango vida !!!
